• PA15-FoodChain_EN


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    The ToNoWaste Project aims to analyze and quantify food losses in the early stages of the production chain for citrus fruits and persimmons in the Valencian Community to identify causes and develop sustainable practices that minimize losses and enhance both food availability […]

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  • PA14-FoodIndustry_ES


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    El sector de la distribución alimentaria puede reducir el desperdicio de alimentos y mejorar la sostenibilidad participando en colaboraciones entre múltiples partes interesadas, fomentando la transparencia, educando a los consumidores, participando en programas de donación de alimentos, normalizando el etiquetado de fechas, […]

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  • PA14-FoodIndustry_EN


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    The food distribution industry can reduce food waste and improve sustainability by engaging in multi-stakeholder collaborations, promoting transparency, educating consumers, participating in food donation programs, standardizing date labeling, adopting environmentally friendly packaging, and demonstrating a clear commitment to waste reduction.

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  • PA13-SupplyChain_PT


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    O projeto ToNoWaste utiliza soluções de alta tecnologia para abordar a complexa questão do desperdício alimentar em toda a cadeia de abastecimento, com o objetivo de melhorar a acessibilidade dos dados, normalizar metodologias e fornecer informações em tempo real às partes interessadas […]

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  • PA13-SupplyChain_EN


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    The ToNoWaste project utilizes high-tech solutions to address the complex issue of food waste across the supply chain, aiming to enhance data accessibility, standardize methodologies, and provide real-time insights to stakeholders for more effective and sustainable food waste prevention and reduction.

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  • PA12-SmallMunicipalities_SW


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    Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund (HEA) deltar i ToNoWaste-projektet som en “följarstad” för att representera små kommuner och testa verktyg och metoder för förebyggande av matavfall som utvecklats av projektet, vilket involverar intressenter från var och en av de sex kommunerna i Halsingland-regionen, främst ansvariga […]

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  • PA12-SmallMunicipalities_EN


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    Hälsinglands Education Association (HEA) participates in the ToNoWaste project as a “follower city” to represent small municipalities and test food waste prevention tools and methods developed by the project, involving stakeholders from each of the six municipalities in the Halsingland region, primarily […]

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  • PA11-CityFoodBox_DE


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    Das 24/7 City Food Box-Konzept zielt darauf ab, die Lebensmittelverschwendung in österreichischen Städten zu reduzieren, indem es rund um die Uhr Zugang zu schön gestalteten Behältern über eine App bietet, die Verbraucher dazu ermutigt, kleinere Mengen an Lebensmitteln außerhalb der regulären Supermarktzeiten […]

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  • PA11-CityFoodBox_EN


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    The 24/7 City Food Box concept aims to reduce food waste in Austrian cities by providing round-the-clock access to beautifully designed containers via an app, encouraging consumers to buy smaller quantities of food outside regular supermarket hours, offering visually imperfect fruits and […]

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  • PA10-AustriaSupermarkets_DE


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    Perspektive Handel zielt darauf ab, die Lebensmittelverschwendung in ausgewählten österreichischen Supermärkten zu reduzieren, indem die Mitarbeiter durch Schulungsprogramme sensibilisiert und aufgeklärt werden und das Bewusstsein der Kunden geschärft wird, damit sie gezielter einkaufen. Der Schwerpunkt der Maßnahmen liegt auf der Schulung der […]

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