• PA30-DistributionChain_ES


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    The pilot consists of analysing the critical points of the distribution chain of a school canteen that begins when the order is placed with the supplier and continues until the product leaves the kitchen to be served on the table.

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  • PA30-DistributionChain_EN


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    The pilot consists of analysing the critical points of the distribution chain of a school canteen that begins when the order is placed with the supplier and continues until the product leaves the kitchen to be served on the table.

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  • PA29-EnviromentalSustainability_ES


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    The ToNoWaste project aims to provide a quantitative evaluation method of solutions for the prevention and reduction of food waste, as well as their performance from the triple perspective of sustainability, environmental, social, and economic.

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  • PA29-EnviromentalSustainability_EN


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    The ToNoWaste project aims to provide a quantitative evaluation method of solutions for the prevention and reduction of food waste, as well as their performance from the triple perspective of sustainability, environmental, social, and economic.

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  • PA28-EnviromentalFootprint_ES


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    Generally, the environmental consequences associated with food loss and waste are related to global warming and are reflected in the impact category ‘climate change,’ expressed as emissions in kg of CO2 eq.

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  • PA28-EnviromentalFootprint_EN


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    Generally, the environmental consequences associated with food loss and waste are related to global warming and are reflected in the impact category ‘climate change,’ expressed as emissions in kg of CO2 eq.

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  • PA27-ZeroWasteCooking_GR


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    Zero Waste Austria decided to combine former expertise and experience in holding school workshops with a unique experience in reducing food waste to collect data for the ToNoWaste project and by that encourage behaviour change in households.

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  • PA27-ZeroWasteCooking_EN


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    Zero Waste Austria decided to combine former expertise and experience in holding school workshops with a unique experience in reducing food waste to collect data for the ToNoWaste project and by that encourage behaviour change in households.

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  • PA26-FoodWasteAustria_GR


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    Globally, ≈ 1/3 of food is wasted – 14 % from harvest to retail (worth ≈USD 400 billion), 17 % at the retail and consumer levels. Fruits and vegetables have the highest share (32 %), followed by animal products (≈ 13 %).

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  • PA26-FoodWasteAustria_EN


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    Globally, ≈ 1/3 of food is wasted – 14 % from harvest to retail (worth ≈USD 400 billion), 17 % at the retail and consumer levels. Fruits and vegetables have the highest share (32 %), followed by animal products (≈ 13 %).

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