Tag: ToNoWaste Project

Current Developments in Food Loss & Waste Reduction — Webinar
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On June 17th, Universitat Jaume I (UJI) played a significant role within the ToNoWaste project by advancing discussions on food loss and waste (FLW) reduction through its participation in the webinar “Current Developments in Food Loss & Waste Reduction” organised by WASTELESS project and FOLOU project. The focus of the session was on EU-level policies…
Let’s reduce consumer food waste! Solutions from the European Consumer Food Waste Forum
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On June 5, 2024, Brussels hosted the “Let’s Reduce Consumer Food Waste! Solutions from the European Consumer Food Waste Forum,” a significant event that brought together 150 key stakeholders on-site and an additional 300 participants online. The gathering was dedicated to tackling consumer food waste.
TNW-workshop in the context of TA 24 in Vienna
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The ToNoWaste team held a workshop at the annual Technology Assessment (TA) Conference in Vienna, on June 3rd, focusing on the topic “Food is precious.” The workshop aimed to be highly interactive, and provided two methodological inputs on integrating different expertise on food waste reduction and prevention using the Delphi method along with various relevant…