Halsingland Education Association (HEA, www.hufb.se) is a public authority, non commercial collaboration between three municipalities in the county of Hälsingland (Bollnäs, Söderhamn, Nordanstig). In the HEA the municipalities cooperate around education and VET on various levels from secondary level for youth, adult education, post secondary VET and higher education.
The HEA is the national resource centre for UNESCO/UNEVOC: the UN collaboration between VET providers in the world, about 200 centres established bridging north and south together for mutual development of VET.
Website: www.hufb.se
Mr. Klas Tallvid
Director of coordination, HEAHe is a former director at the National Agency for education, director at the University council of Sweden and the head of the national UNESCO/UNEVOC centre.
Dr. Viola Adamsson
ResearcherPh.D. in Medical Science/science of nutrition, Uppsala University and at the R&D unit of HEA.
Dr. Lotta Svensson
ResearcherPh.D. in Sociology at the Uppsala University and at the R&D unit of HEA.