Month: September 2023
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El análisis de los puntos críticos de la planificación, distribución, preparación y consumo de alimentos en un comedor escolar pone de manifiesto la necesidad de optimizar los cálculos de los pedidos, una logística inteligente, campañas de concienciación y formación de monitores para […]
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Analyzing critical points in a school canteen’s food planning, distribution, preparation, and consumption highlights the need for optimized order calculations, smart logistics, awareness campaigns, and monitor training to reduce food waste and instill healthy eating habits in children, addressing both ethical concerns […]
ToNoWaste project spearheads global efforts to combat food waste
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In an era marked by the alarming scale of food waste, the ToNoWaste project has emerged as a trailblazing force in the mission to mitigate this pressing global issue. We are proud to share the journey and accomplishments of ToNoWaste, a European […]
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Het ToNoWaste-project is gericht op het begrijpen en implementeren van effectieve strategieën om voedselverspilling te verminderen met behulp van het COM-B-model en het Theoretical Domains Framework, waarbij veldexperimenten worden uitgevoerd in vier steden om de impact van interventies op de vermindering van […]
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The ToNoWaste project aims to understand and implement effective strategies to reduce food waste using the COM-B model and Theoretical Domains Framework, conducting field experiments across four cities to measure the impact of interventions on food waste reduction and identify the most […]